There is value that can be seen and touched.
FLOUZ focuses more on the intangible and aims to create new value from it. There are no limits to what can be created, and it could be a product, an event, or a lifestyle.
Please look forward to the various features that FLOUZ will come up with.
[006] FLOUZオンラインショップ販売 新作
New product All-scene Back Pack – KATSUGI-

FLOUZより、新シリーズの登場。その名もKATSUGI「かつぎ」シリーズ。老若男女問わず、オンにもオフにもアクティブに「担ぐ」全てにユーザーに。主役であるユーザーを引き立てるべく、商品の基本色は黒ベース。どんなシーンにも「担いで動ける」ように、頑丈なCordura®600D ポリエステルファブリックを採用。内装素材に黒の和柄で日本らしさを演出した、FLOUZが推す全方位アイテムです。
A new series from FLOUZ is now available. The name of the series is “KATSUGI” series. For all users, young and old, male and female, on and off the job, active and “carrying”, the English meaning for Katsugi. The basic color of the products is black to accentuate the user, who is the main character of the product. Rugged Cordura® 600D polyester fabric is used so that it can be “carried and moved” in any situation. The black Japanese pattern on the interior material gives it a Japanese feel, making it an all-around item promoted by FLOUZ.
The KATSUGI series of all-season Back Packs have the perfect balance and appearance of simplicity and presence at the same time. Although they have a slightly strong outdoor image, they are also a perfect match for the business world. It has a simple exterior but amazing functionality to maximise your performance. The interior has the same specifications as the KARAKURI backpack from FLOUZ and is designed for user comfort.

[005] FLOUZオンラインショップ販売 新作
New product All-scene Tote Bag – KATSUGI-

A new series from FLOUZ is now available. The name of the series is “KATSUGI” series. For all users, young and old, male and female, on and off the job, active and “carrying”, the English meaning for Katsugi. The basic color of the products is black to accentuate the user, who is the main character of the product. Rugged Cordura® 1050D nylon fabric is used so that it can be “carried and moved” in any situation. In addition, tarpaulin (polyester) material is used for the bottom and shoulder covers, which are required to be more durable. The black Japanese pattern on the interior material gives it a Japanese feel, making it an all-around item promoted by FLOUZ.
This is an all-season tote bag. It is a perfect match for any occasion, from business to outdoor activities. It has a simple exterior but amazing functionality to maximise your performance. The interior has the same specifications as the KARAKURI backpack from FLOUZ and is designed for user comfort.

[004] FLOUZオンラインショップ販売 新作
Our signature brand product Shoulder/Sling Bag – KARAKURI-

好評の(Karakuri)™ リュックのDNAを引き継ぎ、先代のリュックより、更に日常のニーズに即したショルダー(ボディ)バッグがついに完成しました。週末のちょっとしたお出かけから、少しお洒落なパーティなど。活躍の場は限りなく広く、時の流れと共にあなたの人生の喜びを演出してくれるはずです。
Taking over the DNA of the popular (Karakuri)™ backpack, we have finally completed a shoulder (sling) bag that is even more suited to everyday needs than its predecessor, the back pack. From a short weekend outing to a stylish party, etc. This Karakuri will be used in a wide range of occasions and will bring you joy in your life as the flow of time.

[003] FLOUZオンラインショップ販売第一弾
Our signature brand product Back Pack – KARAKURI-

Over the past 20 years, the creator of FLOUZ has been devoted to the creation of bags, and this “Karakuri” is one of the most accumulated figures of his passion for bags. This item has been released in time for the opening of the FLOUZ online store in 2023.
The more you use it, the more you get used to it, and the more you can’t let go of it, the more it becomes a part of you.
The creator himself used the prototype for 4 years, and made improvements to it three times before arriving at this gem. We hope you will experience the contraption=(close meaning of ‘Karakuri’ in Japanese) that goes into this bag.

[002] トートバッグ「藺」(いぐさ)
Tatami tote bag – IGUSA-



There is a craftsman who constantly challenges himself in “passing down tradition to future generations” and “creating flexible values that are not bound by tradition.
His name is Hiroyuki Tanaka. He is the fourth generation of the Tanaka Tatami Shop in Ota-ku, Tokyo.
A fateful encounter between Tanaka Tatami-ten store and FLOUZ started this collaboration project through craftsmanship. In the spring of 2023, a unique collaborative product was created between the two parties.
This is the Tatami tote bag “IGUSA”.
All parts of the bag are made of materials that change their appearance as you use them, and are suitable for all kinds of situations, from daily work to casual scene.
It is an original bag filled with tradition, craftsmanship, excitement, and coolness.
【コラボレーションパートナー紹介 Introduction of collaborating partner】

田中宏幸 Hiroyuki Tanaka
Born on October 11, 1980. He started his apprenticeship under Hiroshi Yanai at Yanai Tatami in Ikegami, Ota-ku, Tokyo from 2010. He has been involved in tatami work for general housing, temples, tea rooms, and ryotei (Japanese-style restaurants). Formerly worked at a space design company, where he was involved in computer graphics.
[001] 京都プロジェクト Kyoto Project

FLOUZ Original Project [Unreleased products in the market]
ちりめん柄や西陣織の生地といった京都的なイメージを取り入れながらも、実用的かつカジュアルなシーンで、あくまで「かっこよく」活躍できる商品提案を目指しました。ポイントとなる和柄を裏使いにすることで、 京都文化特有の、「華やか過ぎない存在感」で、新たな価値を演出します。
The ‘Kyoto Project’ is a collection of works based on the concept of combining the intangible image of “Japan/Kyoto” cultivated in Kyoto, where the creators were born and raised, with the tangible creative experience and knowledge gained through over 20 years of bag manufacturing in Hong Kong.
While incorporating Kyoto-like images such as chirimen (wagara) patterns or Nishijin brocade fabrics, we aim to propose products that are not only practical but also “cool” enough to be used in casual situations. By daring to use Japanese patterns, which are the mainstay of the product, as lining fabrics, we create a new value with a “presence that is not too glamorous,” which is unique to Kyoto culture.
Tote bag:
Scraps of Kyoto Chirimen Japanese patterns are used for the lining. This tote bag is inspired by the appearance typical of Kyoto culture, which is not too conspicuous on the front stage, but just has a strong presence. It features a simple design and a size suitable for everyday use and outings.
Also lined with scraps of Kyoto Chirimen Japanese patterns. The traditional hemp leaves glimpsed through the subtle natural displacement of the upper pocket, which is folded and closed, give this backpack a Kyoto-like appearance. It is a simple yet impactful design.
Tablet case:
As with the other two items, scraps of Kyoto Chirimen Japanese patterns are used for the lining. The tablet case, which tends to be mechanical and inorganic in design, incorporates the chic design of Kyoto culture. It shows its presence not only when using the tablet, but also every time it is taken out of the bag.